Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Grading Dilemma: How to avoid just giving everyone an A

Peer Assessment
I’m always hesitant with the idea of peer assessments. I think using them occasionally is a good idea, but relying on them too much opens the door for cheating. Maybe I’m too cynical about my students to trust them to be fair to each other. The author of this article claims that in her secondary level classes, her students are “often much tougher on each other –and themselves-when it comes to grading”. Personally, I believe this to be true of many of my students, but not all of them.

1 in 4 rule
The idea of only grading 1 in 4 student assignments is appealing for the shear decrease in volume of grading. However, I anticipate students being aware that not all of the assignments will count towards their grade, and therefore only putting forth effort on the one that counts. It’s possible that I’m misunderstanding the technique of choosing which to grade, but I think there are better means of approaching the grading process than keeping 75% of the assignments on a complete/incomplete basis.

Student journals
Again, I wonder if I’m too jaded for the job before I’ve even really started. So many of my current students lose their work or forget their materials, I’d be concerned about their ability to keep all of their assignments in one place. I love the idea of asking the student to take responsibility for their own work, but the pessimist in me sees how quickly it could go wrong. Not to mention the amount of time grading an entire class of student journals would take, even if they were staggered between classes.

This is by far my favorite method discussed in this article, and is something I already use in some of my current classes. Taking the time to develop stamps that suit your needs saves you time without sacrificing input for the students. While it won’t always be the specific, detailed feedback that the student needs, it’s a step in the right direction.

The method I’d like to implement in my own classes will be a combination of the stamping method and the 1 in 4 rule. I think I’ll change it to 1 in 3, and instead of a complete/incomplete on the assignments not graded in detail, I’d go through them with a stamp. Every assignment should be considered valuable, or the students will lose the motivation to complete them with equal effort.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Response to Intervention in the Classroom

Response to Intervention, or RTI, is a system of helping those students who are unable to meet the academic standards of the majority of their class. A brief summary, largely given by information in the YouTube video “Response to Intervention: A Tiered Approach to Instructing All Students”, 80% of students will operate well with the regular instruction (Tier 1) provided by their general education teacher. 15% of students (Tier 2), however, will fall behind and struggle with the material just enough to have the teacher, or an assistant teacher, provide supplementary instruction through a different method. These students will work in smaller groups on the Tier 2 tasks in addition to the class as a whole in the Tier 1 instruction. The remaining 5% (Tier 3) are those that continue to struggle with the material and require more direct instruction. These students will often meet individually with a specialist or Special Education instructor to address their learning needs.

An excellent point raised by the article “How to Implement RTI at the Secondary Level” is how limiting the ‘triangle’ system is. The notable section left out is those students who master the material early on and find themselves unchallenged with the Tier 1 material. Should those students not be met at their academic level, even though the lower level students are? Instead, we should seek to adopt a ‘diamond’ system, where both extremes of academic ability come with an RTI. Advanced students can be offered more creative assignments or an opportunity for higher credit classes.

I believe the single most important aspect to RTI in the classroom is speed. Teachers should use formative assessments as guidelines to monitor student progress, and therefore easily identify when a student starts slipping in a particular area. The teacher can then respond to their needs quickly and efficiently to help them get back on track with the rest of the class without lagging behind. Close, continuous monitoring of student progress is the only way to effectively use the RTI system.

In my own classroom, I’d like to set up a style of formative assessment that the students use often, perhaps every week. This will create a comfortable routine for the students and myself, which focuses the students on the content rather than any misunderstanding about how to do the assessment. Ideally, a quick 2 or 3 question exit quiz that students turn in at the end of the class. If I see signs of a failure to grasp a concept, I’d first meet with the student one on one to look for other indications of struggling with the material. If help is needed, I’d attempt to provide it myself, with supplementary worksheets or instructional videos to explain the material in a different way than I’d taught it to the rest of the class. If that fails, I’d meet with their other teachers or parents and discuss possible problems with their learning or brainstorm more successful methods for concept retention. 

"Olympic Gold in the Classroom" by Ben Johnson (
"How to Implement Response to Intervention at the Secondary Level" by PJ Caposey (
"Response to Intervention: A Tiered Approach to Instructing All Students" by Atlas Initiative (

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Rules/Procedures I use in my classroom

In my classroom, rules and routine are the first things I establish. Creating a sense of order is the best way I can connect with my students, especially the lower level ones. Because I ask the same questions every morning to start class, they can anticipate what my questions will be. After practicing at home, they can join in class conversation where they otherwise might be too shy to join in.

Every morning, I say “good morning students”, and wait for them to say “good morning teacher.” If they’re lackluster or not paying attention, we do it again. Anything to get them focused for a short time, aware that it’s time to start. Sometimes the previous class runs a bit late, or there’s some activity that prevents us from starting on time. I don’t mind if we start late, or if the students talk amongst themselves before we start, but they know that once I say good morning, it’s time to be quiet.

After that, we do a warmup of some easy questions, chosen based on grade level. My grade 4 students are always asked, “How are you today?” and “How is the weather?” Grade 5 students are asked what they did this weekend, and grade 6 is asked what they will do next weekend. These are all simple questions and tenses that the learned how to answer in the previous year. Occasionally I will ask questions specific to a lesson (holiday lessons: what day is it today?), but not often.

Another routine I establish in the first day of class is the call and response. I tend to let my kids talk amongst themselves for a lot of projects, depending on the lesson, and rather than me yelling, I started a call and response to get their attention. I say their grade (“grade 6”), and they respond with their class number (“class 4”). If after 3 calls and 3 responses students are still talking, the whole class stays after for 2 minutes. This way, they police each other to avoid mutual punishment. I find it’s much more effective than me losing my voice trying to yell for attention.

As far as actual rules go, I only have 2 standing rules.

1. No phones. If I see your phone, it’s mine for the end of the class. When you come to get it, you have to tell me 3 key expressions from today’s lesson. If they can’t do it correctly in 2 tries, they have to come back at the end of the day and try again.

2. No talking while others are talking. If a student is answering a question and someone else interrupts them or talks to their friends at the same time, the offending student has to stand up, apologize, and make a heart with their hands until the first student is done speaking.

Simple enough, right? These are my standing rules, meaning these are the ones that I bring into my classroom. But in addition, I also ask my students on the first day of class what rules they’d like to have. These rules can change between classes and grades, but they usually follow the same pattern. No talking, be nice, no food in class, etc. They also get to choose their punishments, which are more varied than the rules. Some classes vote for physical punishments (holding their books over their heads or doing pushups), while other prefer embarrassment (doing heart signs and singing). We spend the first 2 weeks of class repeating the rules at the beginning and reaffirming the punishments to make sure everyone remembers. This method of scaffolding is invaluable to teaching, and allows students to learn by doing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reflection on Classroom Climate (M4U1A4)

Creating a positive classroom can be centered around a single word: respect. It is a concept that needs to be applied to every aspect of the classroom. To establish a positive environment, three relationships should be focused on:

1. Teacher-class (as a whole)
2. Teacher-student (individual)
3. Student-student

1. The ways that teachers can be respectful to the entire class may seem straightforward, but can be difficult in execution. Respect your students enough to leave any ill will or frustration left over from your day; start each period with a clean slate. The students of this period don't need to feel the burden of your bad mood when they've done nothing wrong (yet). 

Respect that students' learning is paced differently. Play to the strengths and abilities of each student rather than maintaining standards that may be impossible for some to reach. This will only create a negative atmosphere of helplessness and resentment towards the teacher and the students who are actually reaching those goals.

Respect student's time and need for consistency. This applies to rules, discipline, and even lesson planning. Be fair with rules, and make sure they apply to every student equally. This means no playing favorites (as tempting as it might be). If you offer a reward, make sure those who earned it get it, and the same goes for punishments. 'Empty threats' only serve to create a void for students to take advantage. In lesson planning, respect your students' time. Plan your time well and be prepared for every possibility to prevent any 'dead air'. Children can recognize when a teacher is uninterested in a topic, and it only conveys a similar feeling.

2. Teachers should respect their students on an individual level as well as a group. Marzano makes an excellent point about emotional objectivity: "emotional objectivity does not imply being impersonal with or cool toward students. Rather, it involves keeping a type of emotional distance from the ups and downs of classroom life and not taking students’ outbursts or even students’ direct acts of disobedience personally" (Marzano 152). In my interpretation, this means respecting students' personal motivations for their actions, even if they are a personal affront to you as a teacher. Everyone has a different background, and it's impossible for a teacher to judge a person's character solely on their classroom behavior. Becoming hostile or judgmental towards a student for disobedience only causes resentment and more chaos. When emotional objectivity is recognized, students will be more comfortable coming to the teacher with problems and accepting their authority.

3. No teacher can force a student to be friends with another student, or even to respect them sincerely. However, they can certainly create an environment to foster a sense of understanding and respect among colleagues. When children can appreciate that learning isn't a competition, that social interactions don't have to be limited to bullying and violence, the opportunity for genuine friendship can arise. Activities that require cooperation and codependence for success gives students the chance to connect on a deeper level, to understand each other's strengths and motivations. When mutual respect is established, even if it doesn't lead to friendships, the entire class benefits from the resulting positivity.

Marzano, Robert J. "Chapter 8." The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2007. 149-61. Web. 27 July 2014.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Brain Based Learning in the Digital Age: A Practical Guide for Teachers

While many techniques of brain based learning work best in a traditional classroom, many of the techniques can also be applied in a digital environment. Personally, my favorite methods are of physical mirroring and movement, but the obvious obstacle is the lack of physical observation. Without that physical connection, teachers often find difficulty connecting with their students. Some techniques are decidedly easier to establish than others, but with desire to increase information efficiency and creativity, it can certainly be achieved.

One of the most effective methods in brain based learning is using repetition to commit information to memory. In the classroom, we can have a more immediate representation of this by using a call and response. For example, in my classroom, when I ask the student to open their book to a page, they must repeat the page number. This serves three purposes: I get an idea of how many students are paying attention, I know the students heard the correct page number, and those students not paying attention have become aware that their classmates are performing an action that they need to catch up to. In a digital classroom, this becomes more difficult. Although we’re unable to do perform an immediate call and response, we can use repetition within assignments. Asking students to write a sentence 50 times might be effective, but a better use of our time is to assign activities that use the same information in different mediums. For example, assign an essay, video project, and Powerpoint presentation about the same topic. The students will be able to use the same information in unique ways, ensuring that they will be well versed in that subject by the end of the assignments.

Tying into that suggestion is multi-sensory input. Students using computers to connect to their classroom digitally innately have access to infinitely more resources than a traditional classroom. They can watch videos, listen to relevant podcasts (the availability of which certainly depends on the subject matter), or read articles, essays, or reviews about the topic. For example, a class about marketing can reference TED Talks, use actual marketing campaigns as illustrations, and read articles about marketing in social media.

Creating a personal connection with the subject matter is a key technique in brain based learning, and, in my opinion, one of the most difficult to achieve. Our minds work in amazing ways, often without us even realizing. I constantly hear songs on the radio that immediately remind me of past relationships, or roadtrips with friends. It’s the emotional connection that brings that information to mind. Those same connections can be established in a learning environment, although the teacher will need to get creative for a digital classroom. A connection can be forced through assignments that involve self-reflection. For example, in a lesson on emotion vocabulary (as I teach in my ELL classes), ask the students to think about their favorite movies, to watch them again and think of the new vocabulary when they experience the emotion. Being in that familiar environment and introducing a new element will help solidify that connection.

The easiest of the BBL methods is patterning. Our brains are constantly looking for patterns, to categorize and connect information in some way. Digital learning presents a great opportunity for students to actively make these connections, rather than waiting for their instructors to fill in the blanks for them. When presenting a lesson, ask students to group information based on certain parameters. Students can use graphic organizers like Venn Diagrams, T-charts, and 5W and 1H map to clarify complex data. For example, when teaching a literature class, assign the creation of a sequence chart to examine key plot points. This will help student to directly visualize the events of the book, and will help the teacher to ensure that all of the key points are observed and understood.

For further information, see these resources:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

ESL Teaching Strategies for Multiple Learning Levels

Next semester I am likely to teach a fourth grade unit on comparative words.

In all levels of language acquisition, there are many key strategies that can be employed. The most effective is establishing a routine. ELLs that know what to expect when they come into class are more likely to feel comfortable asking questions, participate in discussions, and take non-verbal cues from the teacher to understand the lesson context.

For the lowest level of language acquisition, integrate pictures into the lesson so that the student can follow along and associate the sound of new vocabulary with the idea being taught. For example, when repeating the word ‘stronger’ and showing an image comparing a muscled man lifting a car and a skinnier man lifting a feather, make sure the student makes the correct association with ‘stronger’, rather than ‘weaker’. Use arrows or physically point at the same time as word repetition. Do a quick check with the student to make sure that key words understood, but only after class. Calling on a low level ELL student during class serves to isolate them even further.

For the second lowest level, build on the use of visual aids, and incorporate physical actions to make a point. The word ‘stronger’ might be conveyed easily through a picture, but just as easily through mock arm-wrestling. Students above the lowest level are more likely to understand context clues rather than relying solely on images and key words being spelled out for them. ‘Stronger’ will be conveyed, but also ‘muscle’, ‘win’, and ‘rematch’.

For the second highest level, repetition and worksheets are going to be the most successful tools. At this point, ELLs can understand general concepts and are just at the beginning stages of vocabulary retention. Building up that vocabulary is key, and the best way to reinforce it is through written and oral repetition. Worksheets like fill in the blanks, crosswords, and word searches emphasize spelling and context clues while creating a more interesting way of practicing writing than straight dictation. The grammar of ‘er’ words has likely sunk in at this point, although not as firmly as those students in the highest level of language acquisition.

For the highest level, only suggest minimal changes to the lesson. Focus on writing and creativity more than the big picture. Teacher observation is crucial at this stage, as it is very easy to assume a high level ELL isn’t struggling with the material, when in fact they may simply be hiding it well. Group work is effective, and allows a focus on creativity rather than grammar repetition. An assignment to list as many ‘er’ words as possible, as well as recognize which ones are ‘more ____’ is perfect for pair work, as long as progress is monitored to ensure mutual effort by the students.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Special Education, or lack thereof, in Korea

This assignment was a bit tricky for me, as special education is completely absent in my school (which I’ll address later in the assignment). Instead, my interview is with Jin Jung Ah, an English teacher who holds extra classes before school for low-level students. These students do not have disabilities, certainly not diagnosed ones, but it’s the closest thing to extra help that is offered at my school.

According to Korean Law, “schools may not discriminate or refuse admission based on learning difficulties or special needs,” and “there must be at least one school in each province to cater for children with special learning needs.” In Daegu, there are 8 schools for the disabled, with more than 1400 students shared between them.

However, in my personal experience here at Sawol Elementary, learning disabilities of any kind are completely ignored. There are several students at my school who I suspect to be developmentally delayed or suffer from ADHD, but nothing is done about this. When asked, my co-teachers seconded my suspicion, but then shrug it off. The student is then loaded with the same amount of work as low-level students, even though he or she cannot complete these assignments without assistance. On an individual level, I’m not sure how these students operate in their home lives, but their teachers aren’t aware of any special training or additional lessons they receive specific to a disability.

Let’s separate from disabilities for a moment to look at education for low-level students. In my elementary school, Jin Jung Ah is an English teacher, my co-teacher, who offers extra classes before school starts for students struggling with the material. These lessons are informal, mostly consisting of self study from personal textbooks, and of the 34 students recommended to attend, only 5 students do so on a regular basis. Students are automatically recommended into the classes if they fail to meet the “basic line” of the standard test in grades 4 through 6.

The signs of a struggling low-level student are similar to those of a disabled student, Jung Ah notes. “They don't answer correctly to the simple basic questions. They don't understand the teacher's lesson or remember it well. They have difficulty focusing on the studying.” These are all symptoms listed in the IDEA language, although the law has much more emphasis on recurrence and consistency of these problems.

Extra classes are the school’s way of informally dealing with low-level students. A much more effective way would be a full RTI process, as used in IDEA action, but unfortunately no such law exists in Korea. Instead, the provisions made for special cases are in the form of alternative methods. “Teachers in charge of the subjects respectively teach the students after school, or before the regular class and they have a test 2 times a semester. The school offers the additional text book and teaches them during vacations to help their knowledge.”

Jung Ah, along with most teachers, realizes that there is a need for Special Education in our school. She believes the reason we lack a specific program is due to budget constraints and parent hesitation. In her words, “being a parent for a disabled child is not accepted easily.” It seems many parents would rather assume their child is stupid rather than investigate what could be a more serious problem, something that is very difficult for us to hear in this day and age.

When asked about the degree of parent involvement regarding special help, Jung Ah’s only comment is “The parents can refuse the extra lessons for their children. Sometimes the students feel shame about the extra studying.” In combination with her previous answer, a picture begins to develop. Again, this is only a case study in one elementary school, but that information is hard to reconcile with the progressive language of the disability laws that created special education schools in the country.

As mentioned earlier, an American law heavily referenced in special education cases is IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Unfortunately, IDEA is not an international law. And even more unfortunately, my knowledge of special education is limited from my time in South Korea. So let’s look into how IDEA continues to shape special education as we know it.

Throughout the 8 steps in IDEA involved in referring a student into special education, it’s important to have constant contact and updates between all teachers involved with the student, and the parents. From initial recognition that there might be a problem, through the response to intervention process, to actual execution and evaluation of the individualized education program, teachers and parents need to be involved in every single step.

Most important, I feel, is the pre-referral (Response to Intervention)step. Before implementation of IDEA, this RTI process may have been overlooked or skipped over completely, but I think that taking the time to fully evaluate a specific student, know to which degree help is needed, is vital. Determining what tier a student calls into is important to decide to what degree intervention is required.

Beyond the IEP, there are many other considerations to make. The question of if they can adjust the curriculum to suit the student without changing schools or going beyond the classroom is huge. A change in routine affects students of all ages and abilities, but especially so those with disabilities. Not to mention the social aspect of changing their learning environment could have lasting effects.

It’s possible that my school is an odd duck in this regard, but I find it unlikely that in 8 years of operation, there has never been a single reported case of special needs (a fact adamantly conveyed by my vice principal). More likely, a child presenting with a disability would never make it to public school, but would be sent to the specialty school upon presenting symptoms.

With all of the information and research available today about the various disabilities found in students around the world, it’s no surprise that I’m optimistic about the role of special education in the future. Although working in Korea doesn’t put in me in the best frame of mind on this subject, I’m decidedly more hopeful about the rest of the world. Assistive devices are becoming more common and affordable, the general public is becoming more aware of the issue, and teachers are working together more constructively to create personalized learning for those who need it. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Education Policy and Law Around the World: Citations

Here are the sources of information found in my video for Unit 3 (which you can watch here):

Title IX:
Title IX: 25 Years of Progress -- June 1997

Subsequent Injury Patterns in Girls' High School Sports, Mitchell J Rauh, PhD, PT, MPH, FACSM, Caroline A Macera, PhD, FACSM, [...], and Denise L Wiksten, PhD, ATC

President Obama Reflects on the Impact of Title IX, Barack Obama, Newsweek Magazine

History of Women in Sports Timeline, St Lawrence County Branch of American Association of University Women

United Nations Girls Education Initiative

ADULT AND YOUTH LITERACY: National, regional and global trends, 1985-2015; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, May 2013

Korean After School Programs
Key Policies and Major Tasks, Korean Ministry of Education

Sawol Elementary School, Daegu South Korea